LIF expression in women with repeated implantation failures associated with chronic endometritis


  • Y. Askar ТОО «Международный клинический центр репродуктологии «PERSONA», Алматы,Казахстан.
  • A.N. Rybina
  • A.T. Abshekenova
  • V.N. Lokshin
  • Sh.K. Karibayeva
  • R.K. Valiev



LIF, repeated implantation failure, chronic endometritis


Relevance: The problem of infertility and miscarriage is one of the most urgent in gynecology since it has both medical and great social significance. One of the significant reasons for the decline in fertility and unsuccessful attempts at ART is insufficient endometrial function due to changes in the structure.
The study aimed to study the effectiveness of combined treatment of chronic endometritis in women with RIF on LIF expression during the “window of implantation.”

Materials and methods: A retrospective cohort study conducted from January 1, 2021, to September 31, 2022, at the private fertility unit PERSONA International Clinical Center for Reproductive Health (Almaty, Kazakhstan) involved 88 patients who underwent hysteroscopy with endometrial biopsy and immunohistochemical stain for the CD138-positive plasma cells (Syndecan-1) and LIF on the 6th day of progesterone in an artificial or on day seven after the peak of LH in the natural cycle.
Results: After the combined treatment of chronic endometritis, the expression of CD 138+ after treatment was significantly lower, 8.02±1.25 and 0.941±0.176, respectively, with a p-value of 0.0001. LIF expression was significantly higher, 4.56±0.67 and 6.53±1.56, respectively, with a p-value < 0.001. Control biopsy revealed no chronic endometritis in 74.5% and the persistence of chronic endometritis in 25.5% of patients.
Conclusion: Chronic endometritis is the cause of implantation failure due to impaired receptivity during the implantation window. The results of this retrospective study show the association between CE and defective endometrial receptivity that may lead to failed ART attempts. The study demonstrates that CE is common in women with RIF. Abnormal expression of LIF in the endometrium may be the cause of implantation failure.


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How to Cite

Askar Е., Rybina А., Abshekenova А. , Lokshin В., Karibayeva Ш. and Valiev Р. 2023. LIF expression in women with repeated implantation failures associated with chronic endometritis. Reproductive Medicine (Central Asia). 1(54) (Mar. 2023), 25–28. DOI: