Medical and social characteristics of Kazakhstan women practicing breastfeeding


  • D.D. Mirzakhmetova
  • Z.B. Akhmetzhanova
  • Sh.K. Sarmuldaeva
  • A.Kh. Jaxybayeva
  • V.B. Kamhen



breastfeeding, medical and social characteristics


Relevance: Breastfeeding is one of the most effective ways to save a child’s health and has several advantages for the nursing woman. Monitoring the epidemiology of breastfeeding is an ongoing process of both practical and scientific interest.
The study aimed to investigate the medical and social characteristics of Kazakhstani women practicing breastfeeding.
Materials and methods: The study included Kazakhstani women (aged 18 to 45) practicing breastfeeding. In this cross-sectional study, the main method was a survey. Data collection was carried out in February 2023. A total of 1159 women participated in the study; 1101 questionnaires were included in the analysis. The descriptive and analytical statistical methods were applied. The absolute values were calculated, and the specific gravity was calculated with the determination of its standard error. Association was studied using Pearson’s chi-square test.
Results: About 30% of Kazakhstani «alma maters» have some degree of dissatisfaction with their own nutrition, and about half of the women have a low/medium level of satisfaction with their own rest (sleep). A rather low level of satisfaction of lactating women (more than 50%) with the opportunity to express themselves in something (a favorite pastime) and opportunities for cultural and leisure activities were revealed. A low/medium level of satisfaction with the opportunity to communicate with friends and people close to the same interests is typical for 45% of respondents. About ¼ of breastfeeding, women are not fully satisfied with family relationships, and about 40% of women are somewhat dissatisfied with social and legal protection. The degree of satisfaction of Kazakh breastfeeding women with certain conditions of a personal and social nature is associated (at the level of p≤0.05) with education, marital status, place of residence, and a history of using surgical methods during delivery.
Conclusion: The main conclusion that can be drawn from the results of the study is as follows: some medical and social characteristics of Kazakhstani women (nutrition, nature of rest (sleep), opportunities for self-realization, etc.) practicing breastfeeding can be a marker of the risk of successful breastfeeding. Incl. Significant epidemiological factors that can influence the practice of breastfeeding include the level of education, marital status, place of residence, and the history of nursing women using surgical methods during delivery.


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How to Cite

Mirzakhmetova Д., Akhmetzhanova З., Sarmuldaeva Ш., Jaxybayeva А. and Kamhen В. 2023. Medical and social characteristics of Kazakhstan women practicing breastfeeding. Reproductive Medicine (Central Asia). 1(54) (Mar. 2023), 8–15. DOI: