The use of modern technologies in obstetric practice


  • U.A. Pernebekova НАО «Национальный медицинский университет» имени С.Д.Асфендиярова
  • S.Sh. Isenova
  • B.K. Kabyl
  • G.K. Nurlanova
  • A.B. Kasenova



obstetric gel, intermediate, septum rupture, first and second stages of labor


Relevance: Modern principles of childbirth should ensure the birth of a live and healthy child, as well as a positive experience of childbirth, which can affect the number of births and the growth of the population’s birth rate. Accordingly, the physical development and health of the child largely depend on the success of preparing for childbirth and the quality of their conduct. One of the risk factors for damage to the pelvic floor muscles is an increase in the duration of the first and second stages of labor, rapid childbirth. Some studies show that one of the ways to shorten the duration of the second stage of labor is an obstetric gel that reduces friction between the vagina and the fetus. We analyzed the effect of the obstetric gel on the process and duration of childbirth.
The study aimed to analyze the effect of the obstetric gel on the duration of the active phase of the first and second periods of childbirth, the frequency of soft tissue injuries of the birth canal and surgical interventions, and the condition of the newborn.
Materials and methods: The study involved 160 women who gave birth from September to October 2022 at the Center for Perinatology and Pediatric Cardiac Surgery of Almaty, the clinical base of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Asfendiyarov National Medical University. The women were split into two groups: the main group (n=80) used the obstetric gel during the 1st and 2nd
stages of childbirth, and the comparison group (n=80) gave birth without using the obstetric gel.
Results: Using the obstetric gel shortened the first and second stages of labor in nulliparous, but not multiple, women. In addition, a significant improvement in APGAR score at 5 minutes was observed in newborns born to women who used the obstetric gel.
Conclusion: The obstetric gel is safe for use and helps reduce the duration of the first and second stages of labor, trauma to the mother, and the frequency of emergency operative childbirth and obstetric interventions, and does not affect the newborn’s condition. The authors believe using obstetric gel during childbirth in nulliparous women may be good clinical practice and widely used in the future.


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How to Cite

Pernebekova У., Isenova С., Kabyl Б., Nurlanova Г. and Kasenova А. 2023. The use of modern technologies in obstetric practice. Reproductive Medicine. 2 (55) (May 2023), 25–30. DOI: