Analysis of cases of non-immune education in newborn children


  • D.B. Elyubaeva
  • I.E. Suleimenova КазНМУ им. С.Д. Асфендиярова
  • E.A. Pluzhnikova
  • S.B. Sultanova
  • N.S. Bozhbanbaeva
  • Kh. Isaeva



Non-immune dropsy of the fetus, newborn, polyhydramnios, intrauterine infection


Relevance: Currently, non-immune fetal hydrops account for 80-85% of all identified fetal hydrops, the remaining 10-15% are associated with erythrocyte alloimmunization and are defined as fetal isoimmunization. Despite the achievements of recent years in the field of perinatology and neonatology, non-immune hydrops of the fetus still remains a pathology characterized by high mortality, both in the antenatal and postnatal periods. The survival rate of children with this pathology, according to various sources, ranges from 27 to 36%.

The study aimed to analyze cases of non-immune fetal hydrops born at the Center for Perinatology and Pediatric Cardiac Surgery (Almaty) for the period from January 2019 to December 2022 to optimize the management of this group of patients.

Materials and methods: A retrospective analysis of 8 cases of non-immune fetal hydrops in newborns who were in the neonatal intensive care unit of the “Center for Perinatology and Pediatric Cardiac Surgery” in Almaty from January 2019 to December 2022 was carried out. The course of pregnancy and the history of mothers, the data of clinical, laboratory and instrumental studies of all cases of non-immune fetal hydrops were studied.

Results: The etiology of non-immune fetal hydrops was established in all 8 (100%) cases. The lethal outcome was 62.5% due to multiple malformations, severe combined heart defects and genetic pathology c, survival rate was 37.5%.

Conclusion: With non-immune dropsy of the fetus, a comprehensive diagnostic approach is required, including the following examinations of the fetus: ultrasound, Echo-KG, karyotyping for early diagnosis. After the birth of a child, a multidisciplinary approach is needed with the involvement of complex diagnostic methods and the appointment of pathogenetic and post-syndromic treatment, which will increase the survival rate of newborns.


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How to Cite

Elyubaeva Д., Suleimenova И., Pluzhnikova Е., Sultanova С. , Bozhbanbaeva Н. and Isaeva Х. 2023. Analysis of cases of non-immune education in newborn children. Reproductive Medicine. 2 (55) (May 2023), 109–116. DOI: