Dysmorphisms of oocytes in art procedures: Literature review

Part 2. Extracytoplasmic oocyte abnormalities and their impact on the quality of embryos and the main indicators of art procedures


  • G.M. Karibayeva
  • S.I. Tevkin
  • T.M. Jussubaliyeva
  • M.S. Shishimorova




infertility, IVF, oocyte, morphological assessment of oocytes, assisted reproductive technology (ART)


Relevance: Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) are rapidly developing and in recent decades have become increasingly important due to the growing number of infertile couples around the world. Human oocytes are the main objects used in ART procedures. Consequently, the quality of oocytes can determine the key parameters of ART.

The purpose of this review was to analyze the literature and the results of studies in the field of ART devoted to extracytoplasmic dysmorphisms of human oocytes – morphological changes outside the cytoplasmic structure of oocytes, their effect on fertilization, cleavage, implantation frequency, clinical pregnancy rate, as well as the possibility of their use as biomarkers for predicting the quality of embryos, blastocysts, and their further implantation potential.

Materials and Methods: This literature review was based on a search conducted among domestic and foreign publications for 2000-2020 available in Russian and international search systems (PubMed, eLibrary) using the keywords "infertility,” “IVF,” "oocyte,” “morphological assessment of oocytes,” “dysmorphisms of oocytes ,” and “ assisted reproductive technologies.”

Results: This literature review contains literature data and the analysis of research results in the field of ART devoted to the morphological qualities and abnormalities (dysmorphisms) of human oocytes. It describes the types of extracytoplasmic abnormalities encountered in the clinical practice of in-vitro fertilization, their effect on fertilization, cleavage, implantation rate, and clinical pregnancy rate, as well as the possibility of their use as biomarkers to predict the quality of embryos and blastocysts and their further implantation potential.


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How to Cite

Karibayeva Г., Tevkin С., Jussubaliyeva Т. and Shishimorova М. 2021. Dysmorphisms of oocytes in art procedures: Literature review : Part 2. Extracytoplasmic oocyte abnormalities and their impact on the quality of embryos and the main indicators of art procedures. Reproductive Medicine (Central Asia). 3 (48) (Oct. 2021), 42–51. DOI:https://doi.org/10.37800/RM.3.2021.44-53.