Сervical cancer’s epidemiology in the Republic of Kazakhstan and in the world. Impact of population adherence on coverage and success of cervical cancer screening programs


  • I.A. Zhetpisbayeva
  • Sh.K. Sarmuldayeva
  • N.E. Glushkova
  • E.A. Fedyanina




cervical cancer, screening, adherence, coverage


For many years, the problem of the prevalence of cervical cancer has been one of the most pressing for public health in most countries of the world. Despite the increasing number of screening programs, cervical cancer is still one of the most common sites of malignant neoplasms of the female reproductive system. Screening programs are effective if they involve 70% or more of the population in the appropriate age groups. In Kazakhstan, this figure for cervical cancer screening is 48-50%. [1,2,3]


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How to Cite

Zhetpisbayeva И., Sarmuldayeva Ш., Glushkova Н. and Fedyanina Э. 2021. Сervical cancer’s epidemiology in the Republic of Kazakhstan and in the world. Impact of population adherence on coverage and success of cervical cancer screening programs. Reproductive Medicine (Central Asia). 2 (47) (Jul. 2021), 23–31. DOI:https://doi.org/10.37800/RM2021-2-2.