Innovative approaches to programs for strengthening the reproductive health of student youth: A literature review


  • A.M. Kurmanova КазНУ им. Аль-Фараби
  • K.S. Bolat
  • T.V. Popova
  • A.K. Ayazbekov
  • G.B. Altynbayeva
  • G.A. Zhaimyrzayeva



reproductive health, youth, sexuality education, innovation


Relevance: The reproductive health of young people is an integral part of human health, which is of utmost importance for the further reproduction of the population and ensuring the stable development of society.
The study aimed to review strategies to support student youth’s reproductive health.
Materials and Methods: Information was searched using Pubmed information databases, WHO, and UNFPA program documents.
Results: Strategies to support the reproductive health of student youth include strategies to improve access to reproductive health services and strategies to ensure the quality of services provided.
Conclusion: Due to the rapidly changing patterns of modern society, an analysis of trends in indicators characterizing young people’s health in modern realities is required. It is important to develop new strategies for assessment, monitoring, and comprehensive measures to strengthen the reproductive health of young people.


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How to Cite

Kurmanova А., Bolat К., Popova Т., Ayazbekov А., Altynbayeva Г. and Zhaimyrzayeva Г. 2023. Innovative approaches to programs for strengthening the reproductive health of student youth: A literature review. Reproductive Medicine (Central Asia). 4 (Dec. 2023), 127–135. DOI:


