Testicular sperm aspiration to obtain sperm for overcoming male infertility in Zinner syndrome with ART: A clinical case


  • I.A. Korneyev ICRM
  • K.O. Samoylova




Zinner syndrome, male infertility, assisted reproductive technologies, congenital anomalies, obstructive azoospermia, non-obstructive azoospermia


Relevance: Zinner syndrome is a rare congenital anomaly of the male urogenital tract, characterized by the presence of a seminal vesicle cyst, a kidney ipsilateral aplasia, and ipsilateral ejaculatory duct obstruction, which can cause infertility. The ideas about the ways of overcoming the infertility problem within this pathology are contradictory because removing obstruction does not always lead to the restoration of the ability of natural conception. This case determines the need for alternative forms of treatment for the patients and representation of all successful cases of male fertility treatments with Zinner syndrome.

The study aimed to show and analyze the experience of overcoming Zinner syndrome infertility using percutaneous testicular sperm aspiration with subsequent use of sperm in Assisted Reproduction Technology program (ART) with the method of Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI).
Methods and materials: The study uses the method of retrospective analysis of the examination and treatment results of the patient referred to the Centre for Reproductive Medicine to overcome male infertility in marriage after surgical treatment for the seminal vesicle cyst.
Results: The research represents a clinical case of overcoming male infertility with Zinner syndrome using ART. Despite the patient’s treatment in the form of resection of the seminal vesicle cyst, the infertility persisted, which led to testicular biopsy and ICSI fertilization of the egg; the embryo was transferred after successful cultivation. A resulting clinical pregnancy in the patient’s spouse led to the birth of a healthy child.
Conclusion: This clinical case demonstrates the possibility of using ART and justifying the use of minimally invasive methods of obtaining sperm to successfully overcome infertility without radical operative treatment in selected patients without any other quality-reducing symptoms. The increasing number of observations of men with Zinner syndrome in recent years is a prerequisite for informing a wide range of specialists in reproductive medicine about this problem and ways to overcome it.


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How to Cite

Korneyev И. and Samoylova К. 2024. Testicular sperm aspiration to obtain sperm for overcoming male infertility in Zinner syndrome with ART: A clinical case. Reproductive Medicine (Central Asia). 1 (Apr. 2024), 96–102. DOI:https://doi.org/10.37800/RM.1.2024.96-102.


