Cervical pregnancy: A clinical case


  • Z.A. Beknazarova
  • I.S. Sarkulova
  • T.N. Dzhubanishbaeva
  • S.K. Nysantayeva
  • A.R. Zhumadilova
  • B.M. Narseddinov




cervical pregnancy, diagnosis, uterus, curettage, pharynx, diagnostics


Relevance: Cervical pregnancy is usually associated with high risk, as it can be accompanied by unexpected, life-threatening bleeding after the erosion of cervical blood vessels. A hysterectomy may be required to save the patient in such cases.
The study aimed to demonstrate and analyze diagnostics and treatment results at each stage of patient treatment with cervical pregnancy using the example of a clinical case.
Methods: The method of monitoring the change of clinical condition in the case of rarely diagnosed cervical pregnancy was used in the study.
Results: The article presents a clinical case of rare cervical pregnancy in a patient admitted to the gynecology department of the Shymkent City Hospital No. 2. We show the results of diagnosis and treatment at each stage of conducting a patient with a cervical pregnancy in clinical conditions. The woman entered the gynecology department complaining of bloody discharge from the genital tract, lower abdominal pain, and general weakness. After the results of all studies, a cervical pregnancy was diagnosed. At diagnosis, it was decided to organize a council of physicians to decide on further patient management. The council decided on surgery considering the high risk of bleeding. The surgery included embolization of the uterine arteries and removing the ovum by cervical canal curettage. After surgery, the patient’s condition improved. The conducted surgery – removing the ovum by cervical canal curettage after the uterine artery embolization while preserving the uterus fertility – allows the woman to plan another pregnancy.
Conclusion: Embolization was very effective in the described case. Arterial embolization reduces arterial circulation by occlusion of the vessels for 2-6 weeks. This can prevent many complications, including pelvic infections, pelvic pain, tissue ischemia, and angiography complications. The result of treatment depends on the timely ultrasound in the early stages of pregnancy and timely diagnosis. This can reduce the likelihood of life-threatening heavy bleeding that requires a hysterectomy or blood transfusion.


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How to Cite

Beknazarova З. , Sarkulova И. , Dzhubanishbaeva Т., Nysantayeva С. , Zhumadilova А. and Narseddinov Б. 2022. Cervical pregnancy: A clinical case. Reproductive Medicine (Central Asia). 4(53) (Dec. 2022), 93–97. DOI:https://doi.org/10.37800/RM.3.2022.93-97.