Modern approaches to assessing the readiness of the organism for labor and the success of labor induction: A literary review
Induced labor, predictors of induction efficiencyAbstract
Relevance: Labor induction is one of the most common obstetric interventions. The rate of labor induction has continued to rise over the past few decades. However, despite its wide prevalence, induced labor is still the most controversial topic in obstetrics, as there is no consensus on indications and contraindications, timing, methods of induction, criteria for effectiveness, and predictors of its effectiveness. In the era of personalized medicine, it becomes increasingly important to select the optimal delivery method for each pregnant woman individually, taking into account the preferences of the woman, anamnesis, and objective and instrumental data. Based on this, models that predict vaginal delivery after induction are constantly being developed and tested.
The study aimed to analyze the predictive models of successful induction of labor using modern diagnostic methods and evaluate the methodology, strengths, and weaknesses of published models to determine the direction of future research.
Materials and Methods: This review includes an analysis of published data on predictors of the effectiveness of induced labor over the past five years. Literature searches were conducted in the following databases: Medline, Scopus, Web of Science, Google Scholar, PubMed, Willey, and The Cochrane Library. The search was conducted by keywords (induced labor, predictors of IR effectiveness) using MeSH. The analysis included 26 studies.
Results: Today, new methods are being developed based on clinical and biochemical parameters and mathematical models for a more objective assessment of the body’s readiness for childbirth and the success of induced labor. However, none can currently be recommended for clinical use as they are limited in scope, methodology, and/or efficacy, requiring further study.
Conclusion: Thus, induced labor is still one of the most controversial topics and requires further study. Subsequent research should aim to create objective and reliable methods for determining the predictors of the effectiveness of induction to develop an optimal algorithm for choosing methods of pre-induction and induction of labor.
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