"Vulnerable" endometrium: A modern view on the pathogenesis and pathogenetic therapy of endometrial hyperplastic processes


  • V.E. Radzinskiy
  • M.R. Orazov
  • M.B. Khamoshina
  • I.A. Mullina
  • Yu.S. Artemenko




endometrial hyperplasia, atypical hyperplasia, endometrial cancer, progestins, hysterectomy


Relevance: Endometrium is a unique human tissue with a strong regenerative potential implemented after desquamation during each menstrual cycle. At that, regeneration in the endometrium is not accompanied by scarring. Endometrial hyperplasia as a variant of defect transformation is a widespread disease that remains an urgent problem of modern medicine. In recent years, endometrial hyperplasia is becoming more common among patients of reproductive age. This problem is even more significant due to the spread of endometrial cancer in developed countries and endometrial hyperplasia being its precursor.

Purpose: The article describes modern views on the pathogenesis and pathogenetic therapy of endometrial hyperplastic processes.

Materials and Methods: Sources available in the Pubmed, Embase, Cochrane databases were analyzed, and international reviews of randomized controlled studies in that area were selected for the recent years using the keywords "endometrial hyperplasia," "atypical hyperplasia," "endometrial cancer," "progestins," and "hysterectomy."

Results: The article discusses the modern ideas about etiology, pathogenesis, and the tactics of management of patients according to the data of Russian and world literature.

Conclusion: Despite the centuries-old study of endometrial hyperplasia, its pathogenetic mechanisms remain rather undisclosed. The factors associated with the recurrent course of the disease remain unexplored. Choosing the tactics of managing patients suffering from endometrial hyperplasia is still a question to be solved.


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How to Cite

Radzinskiy В. , Orazov М. , Khamoshina М., Mullina И. and Artemenko Ю. 2021. "Vulnerable" endometrium: A modern view on the pathogenesis and pathogenetic therapy of endometrial hyperplastic processes. Reproductive Medicine (Central Asia). 3 (48) (Oct. 2021), 52–58. DOI:https://doi.org/10.37800/RM.3.2021.54-60.